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Transcription Viewer

Transcription Editor

The Transcription Viewer is a preview of the typed document and is only available for transcriptions past the Dictations folder. Click "View Transcription" in the Actions column for a given transcription to open the viewer. In addition to providing a preview of the document, the top of the Transcription Viewer contains available Workflow Actions. On the far right, the current workflow folder is displayed.

The Transcription viewer may display text based on the assigned print template for the transcription, such as the patient and appointment information with field labels at the top and the signature line with date stamps (after being signed), but does not always reflect how the printed document would appear. Use Preview, available from Transcription Viewer, to view a rendered PDF of the transcription.

Transcription Viewer Actions

A ribbon menu along the top of the transcription viewer provides actions that can be taken. Available actions depend on the transcription workflow status, user permissions, and client setup. The actions presented in the transcription viewer for a given transcription may not include all of the below options.

Button Labels Button Labels Toggles the button labels on and off.
Print Print Launches the eSOne Inquiry Printing Agent to print the transcription. See eSOne InQuiry Printing Agent for more details on printing from InQuiry.
Preview Preview Opens a rendered preview of the transcription in the eSOne InQuiry Printing Agent, displaying how the document will appear on paper after it is printed.
Fax Fax Opens the Fax on Demand dialog window.
Download Download Downloads a rendered copy of the transcription in PDF format. Click the download menu to choose between Word and PDF formats. This button is only available for documents in the Preliminary.
Choose Download Format
Previous Previous Opens the previous Transcription in the workflow folder data grid. This button is disabled if it is the first transcription.
Next Next Advances to the next Transcription in the workflow folder data grid. This button is disabled if it is the last transcription.
Info Info Includes details about the transcription, including demographics, version history, and the activity log. The transcription can be invalidated or returned to a previous stage in the workflow. The Info button is covered comprehensively in Transcription Information.
Edit Edit Opens the transcription in edit mode to allow edits to the transcription text and patient/appointment demographics. Edit Mode is covered comprehensively in Transcription Editor.
Play Dictation Play Dictation Opens the dictation in a new web-browser tab. Playback buttons and keyboard shortcuts are available for play, pause, rewind, and fast forward. Foot pedals that are capable of being configured to send specific keystrokes can be used for playback controls as well. Please refer to your foot pedal manufacturer's user manual for assistance in configuring shortcuts. Dictations are stored on the eSOne system for 90-days and cannot be played after that time. The Play option will not appear when the dictation is not available.
Play Dictation
Complete/Next Complete/Next Completes the transcription from the current workflow folder and opens the next transcription from the workflow folder data grid. If the transcription is in the Preliminary folder the electronic signature will be applied if that feature is being used.
Complete Complete Completes the transcription from the current workflow folder and closes the transcription viewer. If the transcription is in the Preliminary folder the electronic signature will be applied if that feature is being used.
Comment Comment View and edit transcription comments and comment tags.
Cumulative Cumulative Combines all transcriptions from the data grid into one document without white space between transcriptions. This feature was designed for "Sticky Paper" or "Roll Paper" as a method of conserving paper.
Patient Info Patient Info View and edit patient contact information.
Patient Info
Exit Exit Closes the Transcription Viewer.


The labels of the Complete/next and Complete buttons are customizable by the client.

Transcription Editor

Edits can be made to patient and appointment demographics, transcription text, referring associates, and authenticators in the transcription editor. By default, only documents that are in the Marked for Review and Preliminary Folders can be edited.

Transcription Editor

The transcription editor can be accessed in multiple ways:

  • From the Workflow Folder
    • Click anywhere on the transcription in the data grid, except for the Actions column.
    • Expand the Actions list in the data grid and choose Edit Transcription.
    • Click View Transcription in the Actions column to open the transcription viewer, then click Edit edit.
  • From Search All - Basic Search
    • Click anywhere on the transcription in the data grid to open the transcription viewer, then click Edit edit.

Transcription Editor Actions

A ribbon menu along the top of the transcription editor provides actions that can be taken. Available actions depend on the transcription workflow status, user permissions, and client setup. The actions presented in the transcription viewer for a given transcription may not include all of the below options.

Button Labels Button Labels Toggles the button labels on and off.
Save Save Saves changes made to the demographics and transcription text and keeps the transcription editor open. If the editor window is closed without saving, changes will be lost.
Add Associate Add Associate Adds an additional section beneath the Editor window where Referred Associates can be to search for or manually add referred Associates. See Associates for more details.
Save & Close Save & Close Saves changes made to the demographics and transcription text, closes the editor window, and returns to the Transcription Viewer.
Play Dictation Play Dictation Opens the dictation in a new web-browser tab. Playback buttons and keyboard shortcuts are available for play, pause, rewind, and fast forward. Foot pedals that are capable of being configured to send specific keystrokes can be used for playback controls as well. Please refer to your foot pedal manufacturer's user manual for assistance in configuring shortcuts. Dictations are stored on the eSOne system for 90-days and cannot be played after that time. The Play option will not appear when the dictation is not available.
Play Dictation
Complete/Next Complete/Next Saves changes and completes the transcription from the current workflow folder and opens the next transcription from the workflow folder data grid. If the transcription is in the Preliminary folder the electronic signature will be applied if that feature is being used.
Complete Complete Saves changes and completes the transcription from the current workflow folder and closes the transcription viewer. If the transcription is in the Preliminary folder the electronic signature will be applied if that feature is being used.
Add Authenticator Add Authenticator Used when additional signatures are needed on the transcription. Adds the Additional Authenticators section beneath the transcription text and Referred Associates. See Authenticators for additional details.
Comment Comment View and edit transcription comments and comment tags.
Patient Info Patient Info View and edit patient contact information.
Patient Info
Exit Exit Closes the Transcription Viewer.
Append Append Appends the opened transcription to the end of another transcription, identified by Transcription ID.
Append Dialog
Unappend Unappend Removes the link between the selected transcription and the transcription it was appended to. The Unappend button only appears when an append relationship exists.
Append Dialog


Demographics include patient information, as well as health care provider and appointment information. The layout and data fields in the demographics are customizable by the client, as well as which fields are editable or read-only. Users can search the patient database by using the magnifying glass button next to the Patient Name field. The patient search criteria can be customized by the client. The following are the default demographic fields available in the Transcription Editor:

Editor Demographics

  • Patient Information: Includes Patient Name, Patient ID, Birthdate, and Gender.
  • Order Number: The order number or appointment identifier.
  • Clinician: The provider who dictated the transcription.
  • Location: Depending on client setup, this could be the location of the appointment or the department within the facility.
  • Document Type: Indicates which work type of the transcription. Document types can be formatted differently.
  • Appt Date: The date and time of the appointment.
  • Dictation Date: The date the clinician dictated the transcription.

Transcription Text Editor

The Editor Window allows changes to be made to the body of the document. The tools in the toolbar allow users to create and modify tables, change font and size, add lists, run the spell check, and more.

Transcription Text Editor

In-Editor Audio Control

InQuiry supports an in-editor audio control. With this option, users can control audio while editing a transcribed document. This setting is turned off by default and must be enabled by an administrator.

Editor Audio Control

Once enabled, the audio control will be present within the edit transcription screen and additional playback controls will appear in the editor toolbar. The playback control may display differently depending on the browser used.

Use the control to adjust the playback speed, play/pause the audio, and move forward and backwards in the audio.

The following keyboard shortcuts are available:

  • ALT + Shift + S - Go To Start
  • ALT + Shift + R - Rewind
  • ALT + Shift + P - Play/Pause
  • ALT + Shift + F - Fast Forward
  • ALT + Shift + E - Go To End

Foot pedals that are capable of being configured to send specific keystrokes can also be used to control audio while simultaneously editing. Please refer to your foot pedal manufacturer's user manual for assistance in configuring the shortcuts.


Referred Associates are people or organizations who receive copies of the transcription. After a Referred Associate section has been added using the "Add Associate" button in the Transcription Editor, the Associate's contact information can be entered on the left panel. Multiple associates can be added to one transcription.

Referred Associates

On the right panel are check boxes that affect how the associate is handled in the associate database and workflow.

  • Primary radio button indicates which associate is the primary associate for the transcription. Typically, the primary associate is the one to whom the letter is addressed. Other associates have been carbon copied. Only one associate can be designated the primary associate. Additionally, if no primary associate is needed, there is a radio button at the top of the first Referred Associate labeled " No Primary."
  • Add/Update in Database: If the associate is new, this check box adds the associate to the associate database when the transcription is saved. If the associate already exists in the associate database, the associate record is updated with any changes or new information provided.
  • Autofax Associate: This check box indicates that a fax will automatically be generated for this associate for this transcription. If both Add/Update in Database and Autofax Associate are checked, future documents where this associate is added will also be auto faxed.
  • Patient's PCP: When checked, the copied associate is indicated as the Patient's Primary Care Provider, or PCP. The PCP is automatically copied on all transcriptions associated with a specific patient. Primary Care Providers can still be removed from the Referred Associate list.
  • Search: Search the Associates Database for existing associate records to add to the transcription. Click a record from the search results to add the associate to the transcription. Associate Search
  • Delete: The Delete button removes the Associate from the transcription.

Additional Authenticators

Additional Authenticators are providers, other than the dictator, who need to review and sign the transcription, such as attendings signing residents' transcriptions. This workflow is typically used in a teaching clinic or hospital setting in which the attendings must attest to the residents' transcription accuracy.

Additional Authenticators

Multiple authenticators can be added to one transcription by pressing the Add Authenticator button for each authenticator. The signing order is displayed but cannot be edited so the authenticators will need to be added in the order in which they need to sign the document, with the first added authenticator signing after the dictator has approved the transcription and the last added authenticator to sign last. Pressing the Delete button will remove the last authenticator.