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Transcriptions Tab

Transcriptions Tab The Transcriptions tab provides a view similar to the workflow summary in InQuiry. Use this tab to review, complete/sign, or edit transcriptions.

The main transcriptions screen gives an overview of how many transcriptions appear in each workflow folder. The workflow folders display the label name assigned by your medical facility. The first folder, here called "Dictation Status", contains dictations that are at the transcription company, but have not yet been transcribed.

Use the Search button in the upper right corner of the main Transcription screen to search for transcriptions in any workflow folder, including transcriptions that have completed the workflow. Tap the back arrow to return to the main transcriptions screen. See Transcription Search below for more details on performing a transcription search.

The Folder View

Folder View Tap on any of the folders on the main transcriptions screen to show a list of the transcriptions that are currently in that stage of the workflow. The workflow folder name is displayed at the top of the screen. To return to the summary list of all workflow folders, tap on the back arrow or name of the current folder.

When a workflow folder is opened, the patient name, patient ID, appointment date and time, and dictating clinician’s name are shown for each transcription in that folder. An additional user field can be added to the transcription folder view from the Settings Tab. If a patient has not been added to a transcription, the patient name field will display as "No Patient"; if an MRN has been entered without a linked patient name, the patient name will display as "No Patient Name".

The list of transcriptions can be sorted by Patient Name, Appointment Date, or Date Dictated by tapping the Filter button.

To refresh the workflow folder listing, tap and hold your finger down while swiping down anywhere in the transcription listing. Note that this works when the view is already scrolled to the top.

Comments and Tags

Comments and Comment Tags are notes that can be placed on a transcription. Comments are free-form text, whereas Comment Tags are predefined notes. Transcriptions with Comments and/or Comment Tags will display an icon on the right side of the transcription line.

The following icons are used to indicate which type of comment or tag is on the transcription:

Comments Only The transcription has Comments only.

Comments and One Comment Tag Only The transcription has Comments and one Comment Tag.

Single Tag The transcription has one Comment Tag and no Comments.

Multiple Tags The transcription has multiple Comment Tags and no Comments.

Multiple Tags The transcription has multiple Comment Tags and Comments.

If the medical facility has assigned colors to comment tags, those colors appear on the left tab of the transcription line, as well as in the comment icon. Instead of reading the tags, users can simply look at these visual cues and know which tags have been assigned. If multiple comment tags are on the transcription, the transcription tab and icon will be multi-colored.

Comments and Comment Tags cannot be read from the folder view. Open the transcription viewer to read the comments/tags. Transcription Comments and Comment Tags can be read in the mobile app, but not edited. Please use InQuiry if edits are needed on those items.

Complete Transcriptions from the Folder View

Complete Selected Completing a transcription from a workflow folder progresses it to the next stage of the workflow. When a transcription is completed from the Preliminary folder it is considered signed. Transcriptions being completed from the final stage of the workflow will be saved in the repository.

Transcriptions can be completed as a group or individually from the current folder to advance to the next stage of the workflow.

To complete all transcriptions in the folder or search results, go to the folder view. If a transcription search is needed, run the search first. Tap the Menu button in the upper right corner and select Complete All. If a search was performed prior to the Complete All action, only the transcriptions in the search results will be completed from the workflow folder.

To complete selected transcriptions, long-press each transcription to be completed until a check mark appears on the left tab of the transcription line. Tap the Menu button in the upper right corner and select Complete Selected (this button will not appear until at least one transcription has been selected).

Depending on the setup of the medical facility, some transcriptions cannot be completed with Complete All/Selected, such as jobs with incomplete fields in the transcription text or failed validation rules. In this case, a message will be presented to the user stating how many transcriptions could not be completed. Those transcriptions will remain in the same workflow folder and will need to be completed from the transcription viewer, while the other transcriptions will proceed through the workflow.

Group Attestation If any transcriptions in the Preliminary folder being completed with the Complete All/Selected action require an attestation statement, a dialog box will be presented to the authenticating signer. The dialog box will list all attestation templates available to the signer, as well as an option to complete the transcription without an attestation, or to cancel without completing the transcription. When an attestation template is selected, the template text will load within the dialog box for review. If no changes are needed to the attestation text, tap Complete. If edits are needed, tap within the attestation template text to position the cursor and open the keyboard. Tap Complete to apply the attestation template, along with the edits, and signature to all transcriptions being completed that require an attestation template and advance them in the workflow.

The completion of a transcription cannot be undone. The Complete All/Selected options will be available to you based on the settings of your facility and user account. eSOne Mobile will present a confirmation prompt before completing the transcriptions with Complete All/Selected; this prompt cannot be disabled.

Transcription searches can be performed within a specific workflow folder or across all workflow stages and can be based on a number of criteria.

Use the Search button in the upper right corner of the main Transcriptions screen to search for transcriptions in any workflow folder (except Referral), including transcriptions that have completed the workflow. This is known as Search All. Select or type in the desired search parameters, then tap the Search button to run the search. A list of results will appear. To return to the main Transcriptions screen, tap the back arrow.

If a transcription is in the Marked for Review and Marked for Review 2 folders or Final and Final 2 folders it will appear in the search results twice.

Search All Search All Results

The Search All results will each have an icon on the left side that represents where the job is in the workflow:

Dictation Status Dictation Status - The dictation is still being typed by the transcription company.

Review Marked for Review/Marked for Review 2 - The transcription has been delivered to the medical facility and is in one or both Review folders.

Preliminary Preliminary - The transcription is ready for clinician review and signature.

Final Final/Final 2 - The transcription has been signed and is in one or both Final folders for additional processing (printing, faxing, etc.)

Repository Repository - The transcription has completed the workflow. This is also known as Search All.


The facility can customize the workflow and may not use all of the above folders.

To search only a specific workflow folder, tap the desired folder from the main Transcriptions screen, then tap the Search button. Select or type in the desired search parameters, then tap the Search button to run the search. A list of results will appear.

Search results can be sorted by Date Dictated, Patient Name, or Appointment Date, by tapping the Filter button. All search criteria can be cleared in the search parameters screen by tapping the Clear button.

Tap an item from the search results list to view the transcription details and text.

Tap the back arrow to return to the workflow folder view without the search criteria applied.

Transcription Viewer

Transcription Viewer Tap on one of the entries in any workflow folder or search results to view the transcription text and details. The Patient Name, MRN, Gender, Date of Birth, and Age are displayed in the top. Tap the back arrow above the patient name to return to the folder view or search results. Action buttons appear in the upper right corner.

Recorded dictations are stored on the phone for two weeks after the dictated date, but they cannot be listened to from the transcription viewer. To listen to a recorded dictation that is still saved on the device, go to its entry in the Patients tab.

The Transcription Viewer has three tabs: Information, Transcription, and Comments. Tap on the desired tab to open it, or swipe left or right to switch tabs. The Transcription Viewer opens to the Transcription sub-tab for all non-Dictation status jobs by default. Jobs in the Dictation status workflow open to the Information sub-tab and will not have a Transcription sub-tab. The tab that is being displayed is underlined.

Information Tab

Transcription Viewer The Information tab contains header information about the transcription and is broken into sections, similar to the Information tab on the Recording screen.

  • Document Type - Displays the document type of the transcription.

  • Location - Displays the location of the appointment for the transcription.

  • Demographic Information - Displays patient name, MRN, birth date, age, and gender.

  • Appointment - Includes details related to the appointment, including the appointment date.

  • Dictation Information - Includes the workflow folder the transcription is currently in, transcription ID, date dictated, and the dictating clinician.

  • Signatures - Lists all clinicians who will sign the transcription. The date signed will appear next to or below the signing clinician's name after it has been signed.

  • Associates - Lists all associates to receive a copy of the transcription.

Transcription Tab

Transcription Tab The Transcription tab within the Transcription Viewer displays the text of the transcription.

Comments Tab

Comments & Comment Tags The Comments tab displays comments and comment tags on the transcription. The Comments tab will not appear if the managing transcription company or facility has not granted access to the user.

A red dot will appear on the Comments tab if the transcription has at least one comment or comment tag.


The Action buttons in the upper right corner are used to create a new dictation, edit, or complete a transcription.

New Dictation

Upload New Dictation from Transcription New Dictation from Transcription Button Tap the New Dictation icon to start a new dictation with the same patient and appointment information as the original document. The Recording screen will open with the patient and demographics populated and the appointment date can be edited by tapping the appointment date. Record the dictation as normal (see Dictating with eSOne Mobile for Android).

When the new dictation is uploaded, a prompt will be presented to determine how or if the new dictation should be linked to the original transcription. The options are:

  • Append to Dictation - The transcription text from the new dictation will be added to the end of the original transcription.

  • Prepend to Dictation - The transcription from the new dictation will be inserted before the original transcription text.

  • Upload as a New Dictation - The transcription text from the new dictation will not be linked to the transcription text from the original transcription; they will both appear as separate transcriptions.

The new dictation will create a separate transcription and transcription ID when appended or prepended, but will be linked to the original transcription. The two transcriptions will appear as one when viewed (after the new dictation has been typed and delivered by the transcription company).


The transcription text and demographics can be edited to correct mistakes or add additional information. By default, only documents that are in the Marked for Review and Preliminary Folders can be edited. The Edit option in the eSOne mobile app is intended for small or minor edits. If more extensive editing and formatting is needed, consider using InQuiry on a desktop computer.

Edit Transcription Button Tap the Edit icon to open the Transcription Editor from any of the three tabs in the Transcription Viewer. The transcription text and demographic fields will be editable.

To edit demographic fields, tap the Information tab while in edit mode. Tap on an editable field to open the keyboard or selection list, depending on the field type selected.

Read-only fields have light gray text, editable fields have darker text (white text in dark mode) or a Clear button (indicated by an Clear Button at the end of the text field). The field with cursor focus will have a dark border (blue border in dark mode). The signatures, associates, comments, and comment tags cannot be edited in the eSOne mobile app; please use InQuiry to make those changes. See examples of editable and read-only fields in both light and dark modes below.

Transcription Editor Demographic Fields in light and dark modes

Transcription Text EditorTo edit the transcription text, tap the Transcription tab while in edit mode, then tap the transcription text to position the cursor and open the keyboard. A blinking cursor and blue cursor pointer will mark the cursor position.

Undo Changes Button Tap the Undo button to cancel all unsaved changes made to the demographics and transcription text and return to the transcription viewer.

Switching between the Information and Transcription tabs in edit mode will not lose unsaved changes to either tab, but it is recommended to save often.

Save Button Use the Save button to save changes to the demographics and transcription text and return to the transcription viewer. Tapping the Complete button while editing will save changes and complete the job from the workflow folder.

If navigation back to the workflow folder is attempted prior to saving changes, a confirmation dialog box will be presented with the options to Cancel or Discard. To return to the editor to make additional changes and/or save changes, tap Cancel. To return to the workflow folder list without saving changes, tap Discard.


Changes are not saved automatically.


Attestation Editor Complete Transcription Button Tap the Complete button to progress the transcription to the next stage of the workflow. When the document is Completed from the Preliminary folder by the dictating clinician or additional authenticator, the electronic signature is also applied, if the provider is using that feature. If the document is completed from the final workflow folder it will be saved in the repository (also known as Search All).

When the transcription cannot be completed due to incomplete fields within the transcription text, a notification will appear. The completion action will be canceled. The user can then enter edit mode to make the necessary adjustments then complete the transcription.

If the client is using workflow validation rules and the job fails validation, a message will appear upon completion, stating which validation rule failed. Depending on the setup of the validation rule, a warning may be given, which allows the user to cancel the complete action to edit the transcription or continue with the complete action and leave the transcription as-is; if the validation rule prevents completion the user must edit the transcription to meet validation requirements, unless the user has the rights to override the prevention.

Validation Warning Validation Prevention Validation Override

When the transcription being completed requires an attestation statement from an additional authenticator, a dialog box will be presented to the authenticating signer. The dialog box will list all attestation templates available to the signer, as well as an option to complete the transcription without an attestation, or to cancel without completing the transcription. When an attestation template is selected, the template text will load within the dialog box for review. If no changes are needed to the attestation text, tap Complete. If edits are needed, tap within the attestation template text to position the cursor and open the keyboard. Tap Complete to apply the attestation template and signature and advance the transcription in the workflow. To sign the transcription without applying an attestation statement, tap **Complete Without Attestation".

The completion of a transcription cannot be undone. By default, eSOne Mobile will present a confirmation prompt before completing the transcription. This prompt can be disabled in the Settings tab.

Dual Resident Attending Workflow

If the facility uses the dual resident/attending workflow, attending physicians (authenticators) will be allowed to complete documents in the workflow even if the dictating resident has not yet reviewed or approved the document. With this option, documentation can be completed more quickly if needed.

Review StatusIn this workflow, a transcription requiring an extra signature(s) will appear in the resident's and attending's Preliminary folders at the same time. Either the dictating resident or attending physician can review and edit the document (provided they have proper rights to location and document type). A review status will appear in the transcription list of the Preliminary folder to indicate if the job has been reviewed by the dictating resident, as shown highlighted in the image. Notes not requiring an additional signature will not display a status.

There are two paths this workflow can follow:

  • Resident reviews/approves an outstanding transcription, then the attending completes.

    • The resident can see the transcription in the Preliminary folder with an "Outstanding" status and can review and approve the transcription. After the resident completes the job, it is removed from their Preliminary folder.
    • The attending will see the "Reviewed" status from the Preliminary transcription list and can complete the transcription. It will move on to the next workflow folder.
  • Attending Completes an Unreviewed Transcription

    • The attending will see the transcription in the Preliminary folder with an "Outstanding" status prior to the resident reviewing/approving the transcription.
    • Once the attending completes the job, the transcription moves on in the workflow and out of their Preliminary folders. The next time the resident searches or refreshes their Preliminary folder, the transcription will not be available.

If the facility does not use the dual resident/attending workflow, transcriptions will not appear in the attending physician's (authenticator) Preliminary folder until after the dictating resident has approved the transcription and the review status will not appear.