Facsimiles or faxes are generated through Fax on Demand or by utilizing the eSOne AutoFax or Distribution Rules features. The Manage Faxes tab is available to track or resend faxes, and Pending Faxes is used to monitor AutoFax jobs that have not yet reached the fax trigger.
Manage Faxes¶
The Manage Faxes tab looks similar to the Search All screen, but the search fields have been optimized for searching through faxes and recipients. By default, users do not have access to the Manage Faxes or Pending Faxes tabs. Manage Faxes can be accessed from the left Navigation menu > Search All > Faxes or Faxes > Manage Faxes.
Upon loading the Manage Faxes page, the Advanced Search parameters window is presented. Data is not returned until a search is submitted. If the Advanced Search window is closed without submitting a search, the page will be empty. Click on Advanced Search to enter criteria and submit a search.
Searching and filtering in the Faxes tabs is very similar to searching in Search All - Basic Search, but the Advanced Search window has different criteria fields. See Searching and Filtering for more details.
Facsimiles Functions¶
Several actions are available to manage facsimiles. Actions can be taken on individual fax jobs or selected fax jobs. To perform an action on an individual fax, click on the proper action in the Actions column of the fax line item (expand the Actions menu with . To perform an action on multiple fax jobs, select the needed jobs by clicking the check box in each line item and select the appropriate action from the Bulk Actions list above the grid.
Pending Faxes¶
Use the Pending Faxes page to search for transcriptions that will queue up for AutoFax, but that have not passed the AutoFax trigger point. Manage Faxes can be accessed from the left navigation menu > Search All > Faxes, then select the Pending Faxes tab at the top of the page, or navigation menu > Faxes > Pending Faxes.
Upon loading the Pending Faxes page, the Advanced Search parameters window is presented. Data is not returned until a search is submitted. If the Advanced Search window is closed without submitting a search, the page will be empty. Click on Advanced Search to enter criteria and submit a search.
Pending Facsimiles Functions¶
Three actions can be taken on transcriptions with pending faxes. Actions are found in the Actions column. View Transcription Info is the default action. Expand the actions menu to view and select additional options.
- View Transcription Info: Display the Info screen for the transcription. Click
- Download: Download the TIFF image generated that will be sent through the fax service.
- Cancel: Prevent the AutoFax job from being created when the transcription passes the trigger point.
- Restore: Restore a canceled AutoFax job so a fax will be created when the transcription passes the trigger point.