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Workflow Summary

The contents of the Workflow tab are highly customizable and can be configured to the specific needs of the client. The workflow folders are listed in the order documents move through the workflow.

Workflow tab sub-tabs

The Dictation status folder is always active, but all other folders in the workflow may not be in use by the client or can be made unavailable to specific users. Folders that are not in use or the user does not have access to cannot be opened and are gray-out in the Workflow Summary. The names of the workflow folders can be renamed by the client administrator, but their function and place in the workflow will remain unchanged.

Each workflow folder has a specific purpose. An example of the typical workflow and folder usage is:

  1. Dictations - The dictation is going through the document creation workflow and is not yet available for review.
  2. Review - Both review folders are typically used by administrative staff to make edits or answer outstanding questions prior to review by the provider..
  3. Preliminary - The medical provider reviews, edits, and signs transcriptions.
  4. Final - Used by administrative staff to print, fax, and distribute the transcriptions.

Each accessible folder can be opened from the Workflow Summary on the Home tab and along the top of each workflow folder, or by choosing it from the Workflow menu in the left-side navigation menu. All transcriptions in the given folder will automatically load in the data grid. Additional filters can be applied to further refine the data. See Refining Workflow Folder Lists for more details.

The default action in all workflow folders, except for Dictations, is Edit. A transcription will open in edit mode when clicked anywhere in the row, except for the Actions column. See Transcription Editor for details on editing transcriptions.

To view a transcription click View Transcription in the Actions column for the given transcription. Additional actions can be selected from the Actions menu. An action can be applied to multiple selected transcriptions using Bulk Actions. See Workflow Actions for more details on available actions.

Workflow Folders

Dictations Workflow Folder

Dictation Status

Transcriptions in the Dictation Status folder have recently been uploaded to the transcription company and have not been delivered as completed documents. Two actions can be performed on dictations that are in the Dictation Status workflow folder.

  • Toggle STAT Status Request STAT
    A Transcription can be marked as a higher priority dictation. Transcriptions marked STAT are completed before other transcriptions and may have a higher cost per line. The STAT status can be toggled with "Make STAT" and "Remove STAT" in the Actions column. Transcriptions that are highlighted in pink have been marked STAT (the color is customizable by the client and will be reflected in workflow folder legend).
  • Play Dictation Play
    Expand the Actions menu and select "Play" to open and listen to the dictation in a new web-browser tab. Playback buttons and keyboard shortcuts are available for play, pause, rewind, and fast forward. Foot pedals that are capable of being configured to send specific keystrokes can be used for playback controls as well. Please refer to your foot pedal manufacturer's user manual for assistance in configuring shortcuts. Dictations are stored on the eSOne system for 90-days and cannot be played after that time. The Play option will not appear when the dictation is not available.

Marked for Review

Transcriptions in the Marked for Review and Marked for Review 2 folders have been typed by the transcription company but may require additional edits from staff members. Comments are commonly added by the transcription company detailing why the document was selected for the Marked for Review folder. Access to view comments must be granted to InQuiry users and is disabled by default. Transcriptions printed from the Marked for Review folders include a "Preliminary" watermark by default.


Transcriptions in the Preliminary folder have been typed by the transcription company and are ready for provider review. If the provider is using the electronic signature option, completing documents from the Preliminary folder applies the electronic signature to the document. If multiple signatures are required, such as a resident and attending physician (authenticator), the signatures must be applied in order. The transcription will not appear in the Preliminary folder for the authenticator until after the resident has reviewed and signed the document.

The Preliminary folder is the last folder in the workflow that users can edit transcriptions without additional security access. Transcriptions in the Preliminary folder print with a "Preliminary" watermark by default.

Dual Resident/Attending

If the 'Dual Resident/Attending Workflow' option has been enabled for the client, attending physicians (authenticators) will be allowed to complete documents in the workflow even if the dictating resident has not yet reviewed or approved the document. A transcription requiring an extra signature(s) will appear in the resident's and attending's Preliminary folders at the same time. Either the dictating resident or attending physician can review and edit the document.


The attending physician should not have proxy to the resident dictator when this workflow is enabled.

When the Dual Resident/Attending workflow is enabled, a new column named 'Review Status' will appear in the Preliminary workflow grid showing one of two statuses:

  • Outstanding – the transcription has not been completed from the Preliminary folder by the dictating resident or attending. The text color of this status can be changed using the new 'Dual Resident/Attending Color' option in Workflow Settings.
  • Reviewed – the transcription has been approved by the dictating resident from the Preliminary folder. Or, in the case of multiple authenticators, one of the authenticators has completed the dictation. (This status will not show for the resident.)

Only jobs requiring more than one signature will display a value in the 'Review Status' column.

There are two paths this workflow can follow:

  • Resident reviews then attending completes.

    • When the transcription is 'Outstanding', the resident can review and approve the transcription. After the resident completes the job, it is removed from their Preliminary folder.

    • The attending will still see the transcription in their Preliminary folder with the status of 'Reviewed'. The attending can then complete the transcription and it will move on to the next workflow folder.

  • Attending completes an outstanding note.

    • An attending can complete an 'Outstanding' transcription prior to the resident reviewing/approving the transcription.

    • Once the attending completes the job, the transcription moves on in the workflow and out of their Preliminary folder and the resident's Preliminary folder.

If there is more than one attending on the dictation and the dictation has a status of 'Outstanding', the resident and all attendings can see the job in their Preliminary folders. The attendings can sign in any order.

If there is more than one attending on the dictation, and one of the attendings completes the dictation before the resident reviews it, the job is removed from that attending's Preliminary folder, as well as the resident's folder. The dictation will remain in the Preliminary folder for the other attendings with a status of 'Reviewed'.


The Referral folder contains transcriptions the provider has been copied on as a referring associate.

The Actions column will display one of two statuses:

  • preliminary - The transcription has not been completed from the dictating provider's Preliminary folder; changes could be made to the transcription prior to being finalized.
  • transcription - The transcription has been completed from the provider's Preliminary folder.

Transcriptions can be read, printed, and completed from the Referral folder, but not edited. Transcriptions printed from the Referral folder while still in the dictating provider's Preliminary folder will print with a "Preliminary" watermark by default. Those that have been completed from Preliminary will not have a watermark. Completing transcriptions from Referral will not advance them in the dictating provider's workflow, but will remove them from the Referral folder.


Transcriptions in the Final folders have been authenticated by the provider. Transcriptions are prepared to be printed for the chart, paper record, or to be sent to referring associates who receive their copies by mail. Transcriptions in the Final folders print without a watermark by default.

After transcriptions are completed from the last workflow folder they will only be found in the Repository (Search All).

Refining Workflow Folder Lists

When a workflow folder is opened, an initial auto-search runs to return all notes in the given folder. The Filter Results box or Advanced Search can be used to refine the list of transcriptions or find a specific transcription in the data grid. The results will highlighted in yellow in the grid. However, the Date Dictated column will not include highlighting for filter matches.

Use Advanced Search to choose specific data fields to search, or the Filter Results text box to filter across all data fields or a specific field.

Advanced Search Click the Advanced Search slider to toggle the Advanced Search panel on and off. Advanced Search is off by default. The Advanced Search panel can be toggled off after submitting search criteria without losing the selected search data.

All fields in the Advanced Search panel are optional and will search only the transcriptions in the given workflow folder.

  • Contains - Filter by full or partial data to match in all or a specified field of the transcriptions in the workflow folder; criteria entered here will also appear in the Filter Results text box above the data grid. See Filter Results below for additional details.
  • Patient ID - Filter by the patient's full or partial MRN.
  • Patient Name - Filter by the patient's first, last or full name. Partial and full matches will be returned.
  • Clinician - Filter results based on the dictating clinician. To search for a clinician in the list, enter a sequence of characters in the search box. The more characters you enter, the more refined your search becomes. You can use alphanumeric and special characters, including spaces, apostrophes, and parentheses. Both first and last names are searched.
  • Location - Select a location to filter on based on the visit location. Only locations assigned to transcriptions currently in the workflow folder will appear in the selection list. Select "All" to include all locations in the folder.
  • Document Type - Select a document type to return transcriptions with that document type. Only document types assigned to transcriptions currently in the workflow folder will appear in the selection list. Select "All" to include all document types in the folder.
  • Date Dictated - Enter a date range to filter transcriptions based on the Date Dictated. Both date fields are optional and a start or end date can be submitted without the other, making the range open ended.


Criteria entered in "Contains" will search within all data fields, regardless if they are displayed in the data grid. Please note that this behavior is different in the Search All tabs. An advanced search is required and only columns in the data grid will be searched for matches in Search All.

The Advanced Search criteria will be copied to the Filter Results text box (visible when Advanced Search is toggled off). A filter chip will also appear for each criterion. To remove a single filter, click the X next to the criterion; the search results and Advanced Search panel will be updated accordingly. Click Clear all to remove all search criteria; all notes in the folder will be displayed in the data grid.

In the example below, the Preliminary folder has 45 notes awaiting approval. Searching for the location "East" returned 40 records.

Advanced Search Results

Filter Results

Filters can also be applied using the Filter Results text box, visible when Advanced Search is toggled off. Criteria entered in the Filter Results text box will be compared to data in any available field for the data grid, regardless if the field is in the grid or in the "Choose Columns" list. Any partial or full matches will remain in the data grid and non-matches will be filtered out.

Continuing the example from Advanced Search above, the location filter has automatically been copied from the Advanced Search to the Filter Results box. Because the filter was applied to search within a specific data field, Location, it is formatted in the Filter Results box to indicate the field being searched and the data being searched for. The same format used for the Location filter can be applied to any other field and will only look for matches in that particular field. Call out the field name in quotes, followed by a colon, then the data in quotes. The field name must match the header in the data grid.

For example, to find records with "123" in the Order Number field, enter "Order Number":"123". The results filtered down to 2 records.

Filter Results

Note that the Order Number column was added to the grid for visual purposes, but the same two results would still be returned if the Order Number column was not in the data grid.

To filter across all data fields in the grid, enter the criteria in the Filter Results box (or the Contains field in Advanced Search) without the field formatting. Removing the Order Number filter and adding "123" in the example returned 4 records with "123" in multiple data fields and "East" for the location. Also note the Order Number filter can be removed by deleting it from the Filter Results box, deleting the filter chip, or toggling on Advanced Search and deleting the filter from the Contains field. Filter Results

Filters in the workflow folders apply to all columns available for the data grid, which includes fields in the data grid and fields in the "Choose Columns" list. In the example, the first two results do not have "123" highlighted in the grid. This means "123" is found in another field that is not in the grid. For these particular notes, "123" is found in the Comment and Receipt fields.

Multiple filters can be applied by separating the filters with a space. All criteria must be met. For example, filtering the workflow folder to the "East" Location, "123" in the Order Number, "Chart" Document Type, and "Mel" in any of the fields returned 1 result. The comment text contains "Mel", which is why the note was returned, even though the field was not in the grid.

Filter Results

When the "Comment" column is added, "Mel" is highlighted.

Filter Results

Transcriptions can easily be located by Transcription ID or Receipt Code by entering the data in the Filter Results or Contains filters, even without the TID and Receipt fields in the grid. TID Filter

Data Grid

The data grid displays transcriptions that match the filter criteria and can be customized by changing the included fields, grouping, sorting, and how many results are displayed on each page. Actions can be taken for individual transcriptions or in bulk by selecting multiple or all transcriptions.

Patients Data Grid

  1. Filter Results - Allows filters to be applied to the transcriptions in the folder. See Filter Results for more details.
  2. Advanced Search - Opens the Advanced Search window to specify filter criteria. See Advanced Search for more details.
  3. Select All - Toggles between selecting and unselecting all transcriptions on the current page of the grid. Transcriptions on prior and subsequent pages are not selected. Transcriptions in the "Dictations" status will not be selected with this option because bulk actions cannot be applied to dictations not yet typed.
  4. Bulk Actions - Choose an action to apply to selected transcriptions. See Workflow Actions for more information.
  5. Create - Create a new transcription without a dictation. The transcription editor will open. This option is only available in the Preliminary folder and Patients tab if enabled for the client and user.
  6. Results - Displays a count of matching appointment records.
  7. Refresh - The refresh button performs a search for all jobs in the folder and re-applies any filters.
  8. Default Layout - Resets the data grid to the default layout, removing any changes previously made to the included columns, grouping, and sorting.
  9. Choose Columns - Opens the Column Chooser. Drag columns from the chooser to the desired location in the grid to add a new column. Drag a column from the grid to the Column Chooser to remove a column. Filters will apply to all fields in the grid and in this list, unless a specific field is called out in the filter. Choose Columns
  10. Results per page - Choose how many appointment records display per grid page.
  11. Group - Drag any column header from the grid or Choose Columns window to the grouping row to group the results based on that data criteria. For example, drag Location to the grouping row to group all appointments at the same location together. Multiple groups can be added. Groups will automatically be used to sort the data. Click the group column to toggle between ascending and descending order.
  12. Reorder - Drag and drop columns to reorder grid columns.
    Reorder Columns
  13. Remove Column - Hover the mouse pointer over the column header and click X, or drag the column into the Choose Columns window to remove it from the grid.
    Remove Column
  14. Sort - Click any column header to sort results by data in that column. Click the column header again to toggle between ascending and descending order. The sort order will be identified by an up arrow (ascending) or down arrow (descending). To sort by multiple columns hold the Shift key while clicking the column headers; data is sorted by the first column added to the sort, then by the second column added, and so on. To remove the sort from a column hold the Ctrl key while clicking the column header.
  15. Comments - Open the transcription comment window to view, edit, or remove comments and comment tags. See Comments for more information.
  16. Actions - The Actions column displays the status of the transcription and allows actions to be taken. If the transcription is in the workflow, the name of the folder will be displayed; if the transcription has completed the workflow, "Search All" will be displayed. Click Expand Arrow to view additional actions that can be taken. See Workflow Actions for more information.
  17. Expand Group - Click + at the head of a collapsed group to display all records within the group.
  18. Collapse Group - Click - at the head of an expanded group to hide all records within the group.
  19. Toggle Group Selection - Click to select/un-select all transcriptions in the group.
  20. Expand all - Click to display all records for all groups.
  21. Collapse all - Click to hide records for all groups.
  22. Legend - Opens the legend for color-coded transcriptions. See Legend for more information.

Comment vs Comments

The Comments column is in the default grid layout and displays an icon when a transcription has a comment and/or comment tag. The icon can be clicked to open the comment/tags window.

The Comment column can be added to the grid and will display the comment text, but not comment tags.


Legend The background and/or text color of each transcription line item in the grid may indicate a specific group or priority status of the transcription. To open the legend for these color codes, click on legend in the bottom right corner under the grid. Some color indicators, such as Non-AutoFax Associate and transcriptions coming from the Review folder, will not apply in the Search All folder, but will apply in the workflow folders. Colors and document groups can be customized per client and may not match what is shown here.


If a transcription has a comment and/or comment tag(s) an icon will appear in the Comments column. Click icon to open the transcription comment window where the comments and comment tags can be viewed, edited or deleted.

There are three different types of comment icons to indicate the type/number of comments on the transcription:

  • Comment A black-filled comment icon indicates a typed comment has been added to the transcription.
  • Comment A color-filled comment icon indicates a comment tag (a predefined comment) has been added to the transcription and a text comment may also be included. A different color can be assigned to each comment tag; if only one comment tag appears on the transcription then the color assigned to that comment tag will fill the comment icon.
  • Comment A rainbow-filled comment icon indicates multiple comment tags have been added to the transcription and a text comment may also be included.

Workflow Actions

The following workflow actions apply to all workflow folders except Dictations and Referral. See Dictation Status or Referral for available actions in the respective folders.

Many actions can be taken on transcriptions in the workflow. Many of these actions are available in the Transcription Viewer and Transcription Editor, but can also be accessed from the workflow folder. Some actions can only be accessed from the workflow folder.

Single Transcription Actions The Actions column in the workflow folder data grid displays "View Transcription". Clicking on "View Transcription" will open the Transcription Viewer. Clicking anywhere else on the record will open the Transcription Editor.

The Actions column also provides a selection of actions to perform for the given transcription. Available actions vary based on user access and workflow folder. Click Expand to view available actions for the given transcription.

Action Action Description Action Location
View Transcription View the transcription contents in a separate web-browser tab. - Actions column
View Info View additional transcription information. - Actions menu
- Transcription Viewer
Edit Transcription Edit the transcription text, demographics, referrals, signatures, and more. - Click the grid row
- Actions menu
- Transcription Viewer
View Cover Letter Opens a preview of the document cover letter(s). Cover letters are only generated for associates on the transcription who receive documents by mail. Specific dictators or document types may not generate cover letters. - Actions menu
View Envelope Opens a preview of the document envelope(s). Envelopes are only generated for associates on the transcription who receive documents by mail. Specific dictators or document types may not generate envelopes. - Actions menu
Play Opens the dictation playback control in a new web-browser window. - Actions menu
- Transcription Viewer
- Transcription Editor
Fax Opens the Fax on Demand dialog window. When opened from Bulk Actions, all selected transcriptions will be faxed to the same associate. - Actions menu
- Transcription Viewer
- Bulk Actions menu
Preview Transcription Opens a rendered preview of the transcription in the InQuiry Printing Agent. - Actions menu
- Transcription Viewer
Print Transcription Prints the transcription from the InQuiry Printing Agent. - Actions menu
- Transcription Viewer
- Bulk Actions menu
Print Cover Letter Prints the cover letter and transcription from the InQuiry Printing Agent. Specific dictators or document types may not generate cover letters. - Actions menu
- Bulk Actions menu
Print Envelope Prints the envelope from the InQuiry Printing Agent for the patient and/or associate. Specific dictators or document types may not generate envelopes. - Actions menu
- Bulk Actions menu
Complete Completes the transcription from the current workflow folder and progresses to the next stage of the workflow or to the Search All repository. - Actions menu
- Bulk Actions menu
- Transcription Viewer
- Transcription Editor
Download Downloads a PDF file of the transcription. This option is only available for transcriptions in the Preliminary folder. - Actions menu
- Bulk Actions menu
- Transcription Viewer
Download with Format Opens the Select Format window to download the transcription in PDF or DOC format. - Actions menu
- Bulk Actions menu
- View Transcription

Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions Performing the same action for multiple transcriptions can be achieved by selecting the desired transcriptions with the check box at the beginning of each row, or the select-all box above the grid, then clicking the appropriate action from the bulk action menu. The select-all check-box above the grid will select all transcriptions on the current grid page. To select all transcriptions that meet the applied filter criteria, check the select-all check-box, then click the "Select all" link in the text next to the bulk action menu. Actions chosen from the bulk actions menu will apply to all selected transcriptions.

Transcriptions print in the order they appear in the grid when using bulk printing. To change the order in which transcriptions are printed, sort the table, then print.


A separate printing component is required to print transcriptions. The user will be prompted to download it if it is not found when printing is initiated. See the Printing Agent User Guide.

Play Dictations

Play Dictation

The Play option opens the playback control to allow users to play/pause audio. Users can also play/pause the audio using the Ctrl+Space shortcut. Foot pedals that are capable of being configured to send specific keystrokes can be used to play/pause audio as well. Please refer to your foot pedal manufacturer's user manual for assistance in configuring the Ctrl+Space shortcut. Dictations are stored on the eSOne system for 90-days and cannot be played after that time. The Play option will not appear when the dictation is not available.